Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Hassan II Mosque : Introduction

The Hassan II mosque is located in Casablanca (Morocco). Built partly on the sea, it is a religious and cultural complex, built on nine hectares and includes a prayer room, a bathroom ablutions, baths, a Koranic school (madrasa), a library and a museum. The mosque can accommodate 700,000 people.

Hassan II Mosque is the fifth largest mosque in the world and has a minaret with a height of 201 m, the highest in the world. Artisans recruited in all cities of the kingdom and had 53,000 m2 of carved wood and assembled more than 10,000 m2 of zellige (ceramics) for the place of worship.

It was built during the reign of King Hassan II Planned on the former municipal swimming pool site, its construction began July 12, 1986 and its inauguration took place August 30, 1993, after seven years of work.

For the realization of the minaret, a crane with a height record of 210 m was established. The structures of all of the mosque are dressed in reinforced concrete designs from Moroccan craftsmanship. The completion of the whole work has mobilized some 10,000 workers and craftsmen performing over 80 million hours of work.

No less than 26,000 cubic meters of concrete and high-performance 60,000 cubic meters of rock were used to fight against the effects of the swell, this gigantic mosque overlooking the Atlantic Ocean.

The area of the prayer hall is two hectares, it has two levels: the ground floor divided into three naves symmetrical for men, it is a capacity of 20,000 people and mezzanines for women with an area of 3500 m2 and a capacity of 2500 people each.

This room is equipped with an electric floor heating system. (Patent Deleage Pierre - France). The exterior can accommodate 95 000 people bringing the total capacity to 120 000 people.

Moroccan hammam of the mosque consists of 3 rooms, a warm room, a hot room and a very hot room, the temperature can reach in this last room to 47 ° C, it is also the room where located water used for washing. We also find in this bath of tadelakt and zelliges. Hammam level is also a heated pool with a depth of 1.5 meters, under a huge arch with tadelak Kassala available for tip wash under 20 dhs (historical cost).    

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